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Vissani MCWC50DS — How to Access Refrigerant Line in Back of Fridge

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  • Vissani MCWC50DS — How to Access Refrigerant Line in Back of Fridge

    Vissani MCWC50DS
    Wine Cooler

    I'm t'shooting a Vissani wine cooler (I believe Danby Appliances is the manufacturer).

    I hear the very clear sound of gurgling from one specific location in the back of the appliance. I want to access this area to investigate the source of the noise. The back cover appears to be Plasticore. I cannot remove the sheet metal case nor the plastic interior.

    I need to see the refrigerant line in the area circled in red. I prefer not to cut into the Plasticore, since obviously I don't want to nick the refrigerant line.

    Feel free to post suggestions on how I should access this area.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Vissani MCWC50DST.jpg
Views:	50
Size:	65.2 KB
ID:	1701

  • #2

    Comes up as a MagicChef wine cooler.

    Vissani, MagicChef, Danby all seem to come out of the same Chinese factory.

    I hear the very clear sound of gurgling from one specific location in the back of the appliance.
    That is just air/moisture and refrigerant gas making a gurgling noise.....normal when the unit is not working correctly.

    I want to access this area to investigate the source of the noise.
    No access from the outside....unless you want to cut/rip into the plastic back and then contend with the blown in foam which you also will have to cut/rip away.

    nor the plastic interior.​​
    What does the back inside look like? Can you post a picture of the back inside?

    I see the bullet piercing valve on the left. Does it actually fit the line? Most that I see have odd sized metric lines the the bullet piercing line doesn't seal or fit properly.

    jeff sr.
    Appliance Repair Aid

    Roses are Red.
    I'm staying in bed.
    I've made no plans,
    besides pretending I'm dead.

