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GE Profile Fridge PSS26SGRESS — 115° Detected at Freezer Door Seal

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  • GE Profile Fridge PSS26SGRESS — 115° Detected at Freezer Door Seal

    GE Profile Artica Side-by-Side
    Model: PSS26SGRESS

    The front-facing surface of the center partition btwn fridge/freezer compartments measures a 115° from top to bottom. The consistency in temperature leads me to believe this is by design, perhaps auto-defrost or similar, though no one in this family of four has ever noticed the phenomenon over the years.

    I used an IR camera to confirm extents of heated surface. Heat is NOT detected in door, at or near the thru-door dispenser and limited to door seal mating surface of freezer compartment. I used a IR thermometer to confirm 115° surface temperature along cabinet partition. The parts diagram shows no heat elements in the cabinet. Unit documentation doesn't advise the possibility of feeling heat from the fridge surfaces beneath the door seals. Were the heat caused by a defrost cycle, I would expect it to disappear. However, the surface has been hot to the touch for the past three days.

    I'm stumped.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by lothian; 10-16-2023, 02:38 PM.

  • #2

    This fridge should have a yooder loop around the doors....esp the freezer door and between the door center bar. This helps to prevent moisture.
    If something has happen to the condenser fan motor, condenser coils are dirty or something has blocked the air flow this yooder loop will get extra hot to the touch. Normally this pass of tubing is warm only and not hot.

    LINK> Condenser Fan Motor
    LINK> https://www.applianceaid.com/heat-ar...rator-door.php

    jeff sr.
    Appliance Repair Aid

    Roses are Red.
    I'm staying in bed.
    I've made no plans,
    besides pretending I'm dead.


    • #3
      Thank for your response, Jeff. You were absolutely correct!
      I removed the back panel and found that the fan condenser motor was completely stalled and the condenser coil was covered in a thick layer of yuckiness. I cleaned the coils best I could--it's not possible to get complete access to all aides, unfortunately. But that reduced the temperature of the partition to ambient. I'll replace the fan when that part arrives.

      Click image for larger version

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ID:	1773

      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_5658.jpg
Views:	21
Size:	190.9 KB
ID:	1774
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thankx for the update!
        That will also help others

        jeff sr.
        Appliance Repair Aid

        Roses are Red.
        I'm staying in bed.
        I've made no plans,
        besides pretending I'm dead.

