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door switch

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  • door switch

    Hi there dryer is a Westinghouse Model BD275EAS0 the dryer is old and is made by
    WCI Canada Inc and made in the U.S.A
    problem was dryer was making a squeaking sound belt looked okay and the idler pulley. Took drum out and it was dry so cleaned it up took out drum and put high temperature grease on the rear bearing hub. Is seems door came off and I bent the prong on the door switch. I put together tried it and worked. Once I moved dryer back in place it wouldn't start. I notice that one of the prongs broke off on the switch. I soldered a wire onto the piece that broke and then onto the wire clip and used electrical tape. Thai is working for now but would like to buy a new switch. I know can bypass the switch but would rather not . Here is a pic of the switch can you tell me what part number I need.

  • #2

    Most of these are NLA.
    ASP2631-102 No Longer Available.
    5308001614 No Longer Available.
    130791-000 No Longer Available.
    WE4X197 No Longer Available.

    I found a similar one at Amazon - Frigidaire 318394803 Switch Unit
    I found the same one at RepairClinic

    Hope this helps,

    Appliance Repair Aid

    Roses are Red.
    I'm staying in bed.
    I've made no plans,
    besides pretending I'm dead.


    • #3
      Hi there thanks for the help but seems that the Frigidaire 348394803 switch is for a Range/Stove/Oven Door . I am looking for a dryer switch for the door so would this still work ?


      • #4
        Light switch on a range was actually slightly stronger than the switch for the dryer door.
        While I would not use a dryer switch on a range, a range switch on a dryer is ok.
        A range version of this round switch is one of the few left being made today.

        Appliance Repair Aid

        Roses are Red.
        I'm staying in bed.
        I've made no plans,
        besides pretending I'm dead.


        • #5
          I just emailed an older parts depot here in town to see if anything else may be available since some range and dryer switches may operate backwards to each other ( comes on when the door is opened - comes on when the door is closed ).
          Sorry about that!

          jeff sr.
          Appliance Repair Aid

          Roses are Red.
          I'm staying in bed.
          I've made no plans,
          besides pretending I'm dead.


          • #6
            Ok, same effect. They show original style dryer round switches are NLA.
            I have used a range door switch before but for which way we should look for.
            A dryer wants to contacts closed when the door is closed.
            A fan switch on a range or refrigerator also wants to contacts closed when the door is closed.
            A light switch is the wrong way and wants to contacts closed when the door is open.
            I did see this one ( it is still a range round switch ) as it has 4 contacts. 2 closed when the door is closed and 2 closed when the door is opened.
            Just need to use the 2 contacts for you....2 closed when the dryer door is closed. It -should- also just snap in place like the old switch.

            Oven door/light switch, 4 terminal double contact

            Sorry for any confusion.

            Appliance Repair Aid

            Roses are Red.
            I'm staying in bed.
            I've made no plans,
            besides pretending I'm dead.

